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HomeTech Renovations, Inc. Is Now A Member of Guild Quality!

Starting January 2014, HomeTech Renovations, Inc. is proud to be a member of Guild Quality. Guild Quality is a national firm that was hired by David Cerami, CKBR and President of HomeTech Renovations, Inc. to independently survey our customers. “Our customers are our best sales people and collectively they tell the true story of the value of our designs and installations. Clear transparency is very important, and I want all prospective customers to truly know what we already know after 30 years of service to the region”, says Cerami.

On the Guild Quality website, potential new customers can read independent reviews by existing customers and get an idea what their neighbors are saying about HomeTech. This ensures that reviews are  an accurate portrayal of the experience of HomeTech customers , verifying the quality of the company potential customers.

The main difference between Guild Quality and other review firms, is that Guild Quality collects detailed surveys from a wider range of the client base. This gives a more accurate accounting of opinions, as opposed to only reviews from the happiest, most satisfied of clients.

Acquiring reviews from a large number of customers isn’t always an easy task and Guild Quality successfully reaches 70 percent of their clients.  This very high percentage is obtained via email and phone calls.

Our Benefit from Guild Quality

Don’t get us wrong, HomeTech Renovations gets something out of the deal too! Guild Quality allows companies to hear an honest evaluation from customers, revealing areas of quality, as well as areas that may need improvement. With this information, HomeTech can continue to develop strengths and strengthen weaknesses!

HomeTech Renovations, Inc. is proud to have 4.8 out of 5 stars and a 100% customer feedback rating across the board for every category! See for yourself on our Guild Quality profile page here!

Feel free to visit the Guild Quality website here to learn more about their company.

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