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4 Great Ideas For Improving Your Home’s Bathroom

Owning a home comes with a lot of responsibility. Perhaps one of your most important responsibilities, however, involves improving your property and increasing its value over the years. You can perform all sorts of interior and exterior home improvement projects that will yield a much higher return on investment (ROI). One of the most popular home renovation projects is bringing your bathroom ideas to life.

Bathroom additions and renovation projects can offer, on average, a return on investment of 86.4%. Here are some great bathroom ideas that you will love once finished and will greatly improve your home’s value.

Modern bathroom design

Modern bathroom designs look great in any home. Maybe you want to change the master bedroom’s bathroom and give it a more contemporary look — go for it! Modern style bathrooms have become extremely popular over the last few years and you can greatly increase your home’s value by simplifying your design.

Retro bathroom design

If modern design isn’t your thing, consider a vintage bathroom design. Retro styles aren’t for everyone but they have an extremely loyal following. Work with a professional renovation company to have the best possible retro bathroom design and enjoy its new look and feel.

Spa bathroom design

Adding a spa to your bathroom might be the best idea you’ve ever had. Not only will your home’s value skyrocket, you will likely never want to leave your wonderful new bathroom. Enjoy yourself in your very own bathroom spa whenever you’ve had a stressful week.

Heated floors

Like a spa addition, having heated floors installed in your bathroom will give you a newfound love for your amazing bathroom. After you enjoy your warm floors for years (and maybe decades) and finally decide to sell your home, whoever steps foot in your bathroom will likely place a very high offer.

Hopefully, these high-quality bathroom ideas will help you enjoy your property more and significantly increase its value. To learn more about bathroom additions, contact HomeTech Renovations today. (Photo by James Dear)